
Showing posts from October, 2018

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Taiwan Virtual Expo 2020 Malaysia- experience a different online expo business opportunities.

Everyone knows times are going tougher this year 2020 so all of us are starting to adapt to the " new normal". Something that really surprised me to share something with you guys for today's blog is, Taiwan Expo is in Malaysia this year for the 4th consecutive year and this time it will be an  online expo ! This virtual exhibition is going to held on November 25th to 27th covering informative online seminars, exclusive one-on-one e business matching session for about 200 Taiwanese exhibitors and Malaysia exhibitors to explore business opportunities. 

Solaria Square - 槟城午餐新去处

槟城工厂区上班族们的好去处 今天想和大家分享在槟城最近一个靠近工厂区以及飞机场的好去处,适合在那儿享用午餐,等飞机的时候可以耗在那儿,是一个不错以及不用到广场跟别人人挤人的好去处哦。 我本身是一名销售业务的,常常面对的问题是,想约工厂区工作的顾客们去Appointment 都需要想很久, 在工厂里谈生意,有时对顾客来说,不是很方便,因为security 蛮严,而且他们必须先帮我们注册名字,车牌号码等,我们才能进入工厂和他们见面,对于他们来说还是们麻烦的。再来,如果想约到附近广场的话,午餐时间特多人,只是等车位的时间可能就用了顾客一半的午休时间了。但是,在这个靠近工厂的地方,所有问题都解决了呢。 这个地方的名字是  Solaria Square , 是一座靠近飞机场的商业单位。 里面的餐馆应有尽有,包括几间蛮不错的cafe ,让那些不想驾太远去享用午餐的上班族们,这绝对是很好的选择, 而且多数的餐馆都有特价午餐,真是对上班族太细心了。Solaria Square 里面也提供了不少的停车位,是不是觉得这帮你省了不少等车位的时间呢?

Fernleaf UHT Milk -Packed with 100% Trusted Goodness from New Zealand

Me and all my siblings grew up drinking fernleaf milk. My parents were huge fans of Fernleaf since we are young. We drink them everyday and night. And now comes to the new generation, my sister introduced this UHT Milk to his son, my nephew ( in the picture).

Kita Beauties - Affordable Beauty Drinks to stay young and vibrant

Are u looking for beauty supplement at affordable price ? I got a great suggestion for you and also me myself. I believe nowadays collagen and beauty drink products is very common and actually it's quite pricey if you would like to maintain it for long term. Recently I was introduced a beauty drink product named Kita Beauties. They are the world's first concentrated ingredients specially designed for younger women to maintain their youths and beauty. It contains multiples clinical proven ingredients to support the process of staying young and vibrant. Kita Beauties are manufactured in Malaysia in facilities that use Halal and GMP approved guidelines to ensure quality and safe products for your peace of mind.

Neubodi Bra Drive 2018

Do you know 100% of your used bras can actually be recycled ? 65% of them can actually goes to second-hand clothing market, and 35% of them can go to fibre and bio-fuel conversion.  Neubodi is glad to announce their 2018 Bra Drive commencing from   27th September 2018 to 4th November 2018 .  How you can join this bra drive and help the community ?